Holistic health is a relatively new concept for many people today. For some time, health is considered to survive long enough to reproduce. The health concept is now developing outside the health view is the absence of disease. Someone doesn’t have to be sick to be unhealthy. We can physically healthy, but emotional diseases and emptiness spiritually.
Many people ask me, including many patients if alternative medicines and holistic health are the same. Even though they can be considered like that, I often find that alternative treatment or therapy, if it focuses primarily on treating the body, it doesn’t have a holistic approach.
In modern medical circles, rarely, if ever, whether health is discussed or defined. And treatment of diseases is the entire main focus that day.
Obviously there is a need for a broader definition, more covers. I believe in holistic health is the condition of welfare and vitality where individuals can express physical, emotional, intellectual, creative and spiritual capacity in a harmonious way with the individual, others, society and all his life. Health is not the final result, it is a process – means that allow us to serve the purpose of our lives, to live fully and abundantly.
We all have the capacity to express health, even though we focus on diseases in our society. In fact, it’s amazing for me how strong the body is actually. Once we start taking care of ourselves better,
Holistic health is not achieved just treating physical symptoms, while ignoring underlying psychological and emotional problems that cause disease. To achieve a balanced health state, one must consider physical, emotional, and psychological factors to develop an effective care plan.
A bigger problem becomes healthy around the willingness to accept responsibility for cure diseases and diseases and to explore aspects of self, which denies our personal integrity. It seems that the unique aspects of human experience are the opportunity to weave along with many aspects of our life patterns that develop into a meaningful overall.
When the doctor treates disease, we need to be, as a group better understand as much as possible from this influence. Disease is a manifestation of existing imbalances so that individuals cannot be resolved at any level. It is caused and formed by a number of possible influences or may not have a causal relationship directly from each other.
I have witnessed the ability of many patients the opportunity to reveal the extraordinary cure healing force that we have. His presence is extraordinary and strong, as far as descriptions are shadows of experience. I have seen the miracle of the terminal cancer suddenly disappeared from the body tortured with pain and sadness. I have seen death back to life, their bodies are not affected by the experience of death. I also watched the baby, small premature babies too small for themselves, survive against opportunities that cannot be overcome. This experience and others have assured me about the urgent need for our philosophical transformation and change and the focus of our health care system. This will make miracles of health and healing available to as many Americans as possible.