As we know, health and longevity are a lifetime commitment. But, if you plan for a lifetime, it’s better to make sure you are in good health to really enjoy life. A friend of mine, Dr. Wayne Pickering, asking this question at his seminar: “Do you want to be the healthiest person in the world, or the richest person in the tomb?”
We all know that if we have our health, we have our wealth. So, health and fitness must be your daily destination. Health starts on your intestine, if your GI path is functioning properly than good pleasured health.
Maintaining a good balance between goodness and bad flora in your intestines helps produce good health. We are very short of intestinal flora. Are you aware of the average Americans only have 4 to 5 bacteria per milliliter? We must have between 100 to 1000 billion per milliliter!
We all hear the saying; We are what we eat. That says no longer applies – according to Bub Cronin, blood cell analyst: “We are what is digested and assimilated our body.” That’s right, if the intestine doesn’t break it you will not reap the nutrients needed by the body.
Your overall health is related to your intestinal health. Eighty percent of your immune system function comes from your intestine. Brain function and mental clarity are influenced by your intestinal health.
So, no matter what you eat, the body needs to digest it to encourage it so that the body survives. So, how do we ensure that we digest food correctly? Probiotics! But it must be the right probiotics – with the right shipping system.
Must drugs or supplements that we take have never reached through stomach acid. Do you believe that gastric acid is so strong that it will dissolve 10-pen nails within three hours! This is why it is very important to have a shipping system that will reject stomach acid.
As you can see, maintaining a healthy intestine will give you health and long life. It’s up to you to decide whether you will undergo a long life and still enjoy good health. Keep in mind that without good health …. you have nothing!